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Advertising and Promotion

Marketing 105

Are you spending money on advertising and not getting the results you hoped for? Are you part of the statistics that indicate that somewhere between 50% - 90% of your advertising is wasted? Are you looking for a bigger bang for your buck?

Let's take a close look at the six (6) advertising mistakes that you should avoid in order to turn your advertising budget from an expense to an investment.

A 7 Point Marketing Plan

Over the last several months, we have talked about marketing from the perspective of media choices, creative content, tracking results, and the other components outside of the advertising mix. But how does it all get started? The first key to success is the creation of a marketing plan. Why a marketing plan? What will it do for you?

Marketing 103

"Marketing is absolutely every bit of contact your business has with any segment of the public"

Marketing 102

It's what you say, not who you say it to that will determine your success in advertising.
Roy Williams / The Wizard of Ads

Reaching for Excellence in 2008

I've got to tell you, I get really excited during this last month of the year. Not because of Christmas, not because I'm hosting a grand New Year's Eve party. What else is there, you ask?

I get excited because the New Year is coming! I just love the potential of it all: wiping the slate clean, learning from my experiences of 2007, and having the wonderful opportunity to "do more" in the coming 12 months.

Marketing 101

Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.
John Wanamaker (1838 - 1922)

2007 NFDA Survey Results

Funeral Professionals Weigh In at NFDA
In the past few years Homesteaders has taken a more active role in the pursuit of knowledge about customers and consumers alike. It seemed only fitting to seize the opportunity at the NFDA convention in October to seek out opinions of attending funeral professionals.

Homesteaders posed seven questions covering a variety of topics, many of which have been discussed in one form or another in trade publications in the past year.

Funeral home web sites

Part Two: The Overall Design Process

Part 1: Online Brochures, or Engaging Educators?
Part 2: The Overall Design Process
Part 3: The Power is in the Prose
Part 4: Don't Neglect Your Web Stats

Funeral home web sites

Part One: Online Brochures, or Engaging Educators?

Part 1: Online Brochures, or Engaging Educators?
Part 2: The Overall Design Process
Part 3: The Power is in the Prose
Part 4: Don't Neglect Your Web Stats

Let me ask you a question.
What's truly important in a funeral home Web site?

Dear Kelly: do you own your domain name?

Have you ever heard that things come in three's? This week three different times I found myself discussing the ins and outs of domain name ownership. Domain names are tricky little buggers and the process can get confusing. To help clear up some questions here are some things you need to know.

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